Saturday, June 30, 2012

More weight loss....

I weighed 233.1 today im 231.8. Im feeling a lot better too! I think i'm going to have my spirulena with my salad for lunch today. I had some wheat saltines this morning and i'm feeling pretty good. Last night I recognized when I was full, though I ignored it. Time to go to work.

Friday, June 29, 2012

A Promising Beginning....

Surprisingly, I feel pretty great! The Spirulena certainly seems to do its job! I didn't have as many hunger pains as i normally would if i didn't eat anything all day! I feel pretty good!

Period. What was once a sentence is no longer.

If you are reading my blog and are close to me, you know that I have not had a period since last November and despite a scare in February, I am not pregnant. I have PCOS. This is a condition that affects many women in our society today, mainly due to obesity. I personally did not start my period until i was 19, was very irregular, sometimes having 3 periods a month. Then, I didn't have one for a year. Although, this came as a relief after having such painful experiences, this was not good. I went to my doctor, and got my periods to be a little more regular, but then they stopped again last November. So...hopefully, I will begin to see the results of my vitamins! By the way I weighed 241 yesterday, today I weigh 233.8! Not the funnest way to lose weight, but I definitely feel better!

Spiralena- The Good and the Bad

Wow....The taste is definitely something you have to get used to! If you take this, I recommend very highly what the girl who told me about this said to do. She said to mix in Raw Honey. I don't have any yet but I will soon hopefully. A little about Spirulena. It is a whole food/dietary supplement, that comes from algae, that helps control your blood sugar levels as well as curb your appetite.Another idea i just found out is that when i get off this liquid diet i can sprinkle it on my salads. YAY!
The Maca Magic Root, as of this moment, doesn't have a taste, though the bag says it tastes malty. Here's a little bit about it: "it increases libido in both men and women quite dramatically and there is scientific research to prove this.
It also increases energy levels, helps balance hormones and is said to balance the endocrine system and hormonesIt also helps with oestrogen dominance and osteoporosis due to it’s high mineral content with approximately 300mg calcium per 100 grams making it the perfect natural calcium supplement. It also contains magnesium, potassium, iron, silica and traces of iodine, manganese, zinc, copper and sodium, plant sterols which account for it’s hormone balancing effect and 19 valuable amino acids. It also contains vitamins B2, B6, C and niacin. No wonder it is called a Superfood.
It contains considerably more calcium than cows’ milk, and also contains vitamin B12. Maca contains around 15% protein, and all of the essential amino acids. It is not just a basic supplement, but an entire spectrum of nutrients. Maca is an adaptogen and this means that it works to balance hormone problems within the body where imbalance lies. It actually stabilises hormone levels and is therefore an asset to both men and women for a variety of reasons." This makes me very excited. 
This blog will contain information when and if i get my period, duration, as well as my ovulation chart. Just a fair note, this will probably be best received by my female friends. 

The beginning

This is my very first post on my new blog. After a recent trip to the emergency room, I realized just how important it was for me to really look at what was going in to my body, as well as the amounts that I was consuming. This blog is going to be a diary for my journey. (I'm only allowed liquids for the next 3 days).
Today I am starting off my day with my liver cleanse. You drink a quart of water with one lemon squeezed into it. I also received my vitamins yesterday! YAY! So, with this mornings water, I will also be having a teaspoon of Magic Maca Root and Spiralena. I will be updating often with pictures of me and how i feel physically, as well as emotionally. Obviously, this will not be as entertaing as some of my other blogs, but I appreciate any followers who want to take the journey with me! 
The picture above is from about a week ago. My beautiful niece Ruby and I went to David's Bridal. My husband takes pictures of everything and I had no idea how atrocious I looked! Here's one of the dress I really liked.
My niece looks absolutely stunning, but hopefully, we will see a transformation in me too!